Why do we use it?

It's a long-established fact that a reader gets distracted from the text when looking at a layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it more or less represents the normal arrangement of letters and thus looks like human-readable language. Many desktop publishers and web editors now use Lorem Ipsum as the standard text, and searching the Internet for "lorem ipsum" reveals many websites where it still occurs. There are now several versions of the Lorem Ipsum, some accidental, others deliberate (influenced by wit and one's own taste)

Why do we use it?

It's a long-established fact that a reader gets distracted from the text when looking at a layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it more or less represents the normal arrangement of letters and thus looks like human-readable language. Many desktop publishers and web editors now use Lorem Ipsum as the standard text, and searching the Internet for "lorem ipsum" reveals many websites where it still occurs. There are now several versions of the Lorem Ipsum, some accidental, others deliberate (influenced by wit and one's own taste)

Why do we use it?

It's a long-established fact that a reader gets distracted from the text when looking at a layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it more or less represents the normal arrangement of letters and thus looks like human-readable language. Many desktop publishers and web editors now use Lorem Ipsum as the standard text, and searching the Internet for "lorem ipsum" reveals many websites where it still occurs. There are now several versions of the Lorem Ipsum, some accidental, others deliberate (influenced by wit and one's own taste)